It’s a Major Award!

The postage for this will be ridiculous!

Last night, Mike’s company, LMI, held their annual trivia competition, LMIQ.  The teams who take 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place are awarded a donation from LMI to the charity of their choice. 
This year, I asked Mike and his team, 404- Team Name Not Found, to play for the National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Association.  Led by president, Jan Chambers, (who is a lovely woman I’ve been very fortunate to meet) this organization provides information, resources, and community to people who live with fibromyalgia and other chronic pain health problems.  Beyond that, President Chambers confronts pain on a public policy level, in both state and national legislatures. She lobbies for money and attention to be paid toward fibromyalgia and chronic pain research. When the CDC allowed 100 days for public comment on the new opioid medication guidelines, the NFMCPA made sure our voices were heard. They are also working hard to make sure that we aren’t lost in the shuffle and negatively affected as Congress attempts to fix the heroin epidemic.  NFMCPA is petitioning the White House to have the Department of Health & Human Services implement a National Pain Strategy. And now that I’m checking on it, we only have 9 days left to get 80,000 signatures for the White House to respond to the petition. GET ON IT, PEOPLE!  Ahem. I mean, please sign it, won’t you?  

So, I’m quite pleased to announce that Mike’s team was able to secure 3rd place and win $1,000 for the NFMCPA!  Many thanks to LMI for their generosity!  

Thanks to Mike for storing random Latin language and history in his brain so that he was able to pull “Punic Wars” out of thin air!  Thanks to Holly for owning a clowder of cats!